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Phantom events

Phantom events enable you to add custom events or modify existing events for any smart contract. This feature allows you to extract any data you need from smart contracts without the constraints of on-chain modifications.

What are Phantom Events?

Phantom events are gasless events logged in an off-chain execution environment that mirrors the mainnet state in real-time. They provide a solution for obtaining additional information from a contract without incurring extra gas costs for users.

Why Use Phantom Events?

Whether you don't control the contract or want to avoid additional gas costs, phantom events offer a flexible solution for diverse data needs and use cases. Powered by Shadow and dyRPC, they are part of the rindexer suite designed to simplify being able to use these powerful features.

Getting Started with Phantom Events

rindexer abstracts away the complexity and offers first-party support for implementing phantom events. It utilizes Etherscan APIs to download source code and ABIs for the contracts you want to index. Note that the shared Etherscan API key may lead to rate limits if heavily used. To avoid this, we recommend adding your own API key here here.

Right let's get started with phantom events.



Shadow enables you to modify a deployed contract's source code to add gasless custom event logs and view functions on a shadow fork that is instrumented to mirror mainnet state in realtime.

Networks Supported

  • Ethereum


dyRPC is a tool built on top of overlay which can be ran on any erigon node and allows you to also modify the contract's source code adding gasless custom event logs and view functions.

Networks Supported

  • Ethereum


Installing Foundry

foundry is required to be installed to compile the contracts.

curl -L | bash

if you already have got foundry installed you can run foundryup to update it.


rindexer uses its CLI first approach for everything and phantom events behaves the same way. Each rindexer project by default does not have phantom events enabled you have to set them up for each project.

To enable phantom events for your rindexer project you can run the following command:

rindexer phantom init

Required information

  • Shadow
    • API key (generate on the shadow portal)
    • Fork ID (generate on the shadow portal)
  • dyRPC
    • API key (generate on the dyRPC portal or use "new" to generate a new one)

You will be asked to pick your provider and add your API key. It will save the API key int the .env file under RINDEXER_PHANTOM_API_KEY in your project directory. It will also add your phantom provider to the rindexer.yaml file.


As the rindexer.yaml file is defined by you we use these contract names and network names to allow you to easily understand what you are cloning.

rindexer phantom clone --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME> --network <NETWORK>

lets say we had a rindexer.yaml file like this:

name: RocketPoolETHIndexer
description: My first rindexer project
project_type: no-code
- name: ethereum
  chain_id: 1
    enabled: true
    drop_each_run: true
- name: RocketPoolETH
  - network: ethereum
    address: "0xae78736cd615f374d3085123a210448e74fc6393"
    start_block: '18600000'
    end_block: '18718056'
  abi: ./abis/RocketTokenRETH.abi.json
  - Transfer

to clone this contract you would run the following command

rindexer phantom clone --contract-name RocketPoolETH --network ethereum

This will create you a folder called phantom in the root of your rindexer project and also create the network name to make it easier to find contracts you have cloned. for example in the above example it will create a folder called phantom/ethereum/ and inside it will have a folder called RocketPoolETH/ which will have your solidity project files and the contract ABI. This folder will contain all the phantom contracts you have cloned.

You can now go to the contracts folder and start making changes to the phantom contracts.

Add your own event

Above we cloned RocketPoolETH on ethereum lets open up RocketTokenRETH.sol and add a phantom event on transfer hook.

contract RocketTokenRETH is RocketBase, ERC20, RocketTokenRETHInterface {
    using SafeMath for uint;
    event EtherDeposited(address indexed from, uint256 amount, uint256 time);
    event TokensMinted(address indexed to, uint256 amount, uint256 ethAmount, uint256 time);
    event TokensBurned(address indexed from, uint256 amount, uint256 ethAmount, uint256 time);
    event PhantomTransferTime(address indexed from, uint256 time); 
    function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address, uint256) internal override {
        // emit your own event
        emit PhantomTransferTime(from, block.timestamp); 
        // Don't run check if this is a mint transaction
        if (from != address(0)) {
            // Check which block the user's last deposit was
            bytes32 key = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("user.deposit.block", from));
            uint256 lastDepositBlock = getUint(key);
            if (lastDepositBlock > 0) {
                // Ensure enough blocks have passed
                uint256 depositDelay = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(""), "network.reth.deposit.delay")));
                uint256 blocksPassed = block.number.sub(lastDepositBlock);
                require(blocksPassed > depositDelay, "Not enough time has passed since deposit");
                // Clear the state as it's no longer necessary to check this until another deposit is made

That is it you can now compile and deploy your phantom contract which we will go over in the next section.

Editing existing events

You can edit any event to whatever you want for example lets say we wanted to change TokensMinted to include the new balance of the to address after minted.

contract RocketTokenRETH is RocketBase, ERC20, RocketTokenRETHInterface {
    using SafeMath for uint;
    event EtherDeposited(address indexed from, uint256 amount, uint256 time);
    event TokensMinted(uint256 newBalance, address indexed to, uint256 amount, uint256 ethAmount, uint256 time); 
    event TokensBurned(address indexed from, uint256 amount, uint256 ethAmount, uint256 time);
    event PhantomTransferTime(address indexed from, uint256 time);
    function mint(uint256 _ethAmount, address _to) override external onlyLatestContract("rocketDepositPool", msg.sender) {
        // Get rETH amount
        uint256 rethAmount = getRethValue(_ethAmount);
        // Check rETH amount
        require(rethAmount > 0, "Invalid token mint amount");
        // Update balance & supply
        _mint(_to, rethAmount);
        // Emit tokens minted event
        emit TokensMinted(balanceOf(_to), _to, rethAmount, _ethAmount, block.timestamp); 

That is it you can now compile and deploy your phantom contract which we will go over in the next section.


To compile the phantom contracts you can run the following command:

rindexer phantom compile --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME> --network <NETWORK>

So using the same yaml example as above you would run the following command:

rindexer phantom compile --contract-name RocketPoolETH --network ethereum

This will show you the same compile errors as foundry would show you if you have made any mistakes.


Deploying your phantom contract is different to deploying a normal contract. rindexer will take care of uploading the new phantom contract to the provider and all the mappings for you in the rindexer.yaml file.

rindexer phantom deploy --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME> --network <NETWORK>

So using the same yaml example as above you would run the following command:

rindexer phantom deploy --contract-name RocketPoolETH --network ethereum

This will do a few things to your yaml file:

  1. It will add the phantom network to the rindexer.yaml file this is always named phantom_${NETWORK_NAME}_${CONTRACT_NAME}
name: RocketPoolETHIndexer
description: My first rindexer project
project_type: no-code
- name: ethereum
  chain_id: 1
- name: phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH
  chain_id: 1
  1. It will change the contracts section to point the contract details to the phantom network.
name: RocketPoolETHIndexer
description: My first rindexer project
project_type: no-code
- name: ethereum
  chain_id: 1
- name: phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH
  chain_id: 1
    enabled: true
    drop_each_run: true
- name: RocketPoolETH
  - network: phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH
    address: "0xae78736cd615f374d3085123a210448e74fc6393"
    start_block: '18600000'
    end_block: '18718056'
  abi: ./abis/phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH.abi.json
  - Transfer
  1. It will upload the new ABI to your abi folder named the same as the network name but with the .abi.json extension.
name: RocketPoolETHIndexer
description: My first rindexer project
project_type: no-code
- name: ethereum
  chain_id: 1
- name: phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH
  chain_id: 1
    enabled: true
    drop_each_run: true
- name: RocketPoolETH
  - network: phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH
    address: "0xae78736cd615f374d3085123a210448e74fc6393"
    start_block: '18600000'
    end_block: '18718056'
  abi: ./abis/phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH.abi.json
  - Transfer

right now lets include the PhantomTransferTime event in our yaml file include_events array so we can index it.

name: RocketPoolETHIndexer
description: My first rindexer project
project_type: no-code
- name: ethereum
  chain_id: 1
- name: phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH
  chain_id: 1
    enabled: true
    drop_each_run: true
- name: RocketPoolETH
  - network: phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH
    address: "0xae78736cd615f374d3085123a210448e74fc6393"
    start_block: '18600000'
    end_block: '18718056'
  abi: ./abis/phantom_ethereum_RocketPoolETH.abi.json
  - PhantomTransferTime


everything else is same as before so you can run rindexer start all the database tables will all be created, indexer will start indexing and the GraphQL API will be available at http://localhost:3001/graphql.

That is it you now have created phantom events with rindexer.