rindexer installation process is simple and can be done with a few steps.
rindexer CLI
rindexer operates as a CLI toolset to make it easy to create new rindexer projects or run existing ones.
curl -L | bash
Once installed you can run the following command to check the installation was successful:
rindexer --help
Blazing fast EVM indexing tool built in rust
Usage: rindexer [COMMAND]
new Creates a new rindexer no-code project or rust project
start Start various services like indexers, GraphQL APIs or both together
add Add elements such as contracts to the rindexer.yaml file
codegen Generates rust code based on rindexer.yaml or graphql queries
delete Delete data from the postgres database or csv files
phantom Use phantom events to add your own events to contracts
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
you can also get help on any of the commands for example to get help on the new command you can run:
rindexer new --help
To upgrade to the latest version of rindexer you can run the following command:
To uninstall rindexer you can run the following command:
Docker pre-built image
There's is pre-built docker images which can be used to run rindexer
inside your dockerized infra:
- Running GraphQL and Indexer:
- Running Indexer only:
Note its important you pick the correct image to use as if you run the indexer without the graphql it wont expose the graphql endpoints. The indexer only image is a slot smaller then the bundled image due to the fact that it only contains the indexer.
Create new project
To create a new no-code
project in your current directory, you can run the following:
docker run -it -v $PWD:/app/project_path new -p /app/project_path no-code
Use with existing project
To use it with an existing project and a running postgres instance you can simply invoke:
export PROJECT_PATH=/path/to/your/project
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://user:pass@postgres/db"
docker-compose up -d
This will start all local indexing and if you have enabled the graphql endpoint, it will become exposed under:
If you are using csv you do not need to install docker, it is only recommended with postgres or if you're deploying rindexer in cloud environments.Rust - optional
If you are only doing no-code projects you do not need rust installed but if you are doing rust projects you will need to install rust. You can install rust by following the instructions here.
That is it lets now walk through how you can start using rindexer.