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Direct SQL

DBeaver - recommended

If you are wanting to access the data directly from the database you can use a tool like DBeaver to connect to the database. you can download it here and is supported on all platforms.

If wanting to connect to your docker postgres instance database you can create a new connection in DBeaver and use the following settings:

  • host: localhost
  • port: 5440
  • database: postgres
  • username: postgres
  • password: rindexer

press test connection and you should be able to connect to the database. You can then go to postgres -> schemas and you see the indexer schemas and tables. From there you can run SQL queries to get the data you need inside DBeaver.


If you are wanting to use the command line you can use psql to connect to the database.

These instructions run you through how to install psql -


psql 'postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/your_database'

Listing all tables across all schemas

rindexer uses schemas to break up the tables and by default psql only shows public so you need to run the following command to see all tables across all schemas.

\dt *.*

You can also run the following command to see all tables in a specific schema

\dn schema_name.*

Query data

You can now just run SQL queries to get the data you need.

SELECT * FROM my_project_rocket_pool_eth.transfer;


To exit the psql terminal run
