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One-click Deploy Example

Deploy on Railway

Deploy an example project

  1. Clone the relevant directory
# this will clone the railway directory
mkdir rindexer-railway && cd rindexer-railway
git clone \
  --depth=1 \
  --no-checkout \
  --filter=tree:0 \ .
git sparse-checkout set --no-cone providers/railway .
git checkout && cp -r providers/railway/* . && rm -rf providers
  1. Initialize a new Railway project
railway init --name rindexer-example
  1. Create a service and link it to the project
railway up --detach
railway link
? Select a project
> rindexer-example
? Select an environment  
> production
? Select a service
> rindexer-example
  1. Create a Postgres database
railway add --database postgre-sql
  1. Configure environment variables
railway open
  • then open the service "Variables" tab and click on "Add Variable Reference" and select DATABASE_URL,
  • postfix ?sslmode=disable to the end of the value. It should look like this: ${{Postgres.DATABASE_URL}}?sslmode=disable,
  • hit "Deploy" or Shift+Enter.
  1. Create a domain to access GraphQL Playground
railway domain
  1. Redeploy the service
railway up