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You can generate a few different types of code when using rindexer codegen.


You can generate .graphql prebuilt queries to get up and running in seconds. These will be generated in a queries folder in the root of where the rindexer yaml is.

rindexer codegen graphql

By default it will point to http://localhost:3001 graphql endpoint, you can change this by passing the endpoint flag:

rindexer codegen graphql --endpoint=YOUR_GRAPHQL_API_URL


graphql-codegen is the best tool on the market to generate TypeScript typings for your GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions.

learn about the codegen.ts config here

the graphql API url is the schema in the config, you can set this to your graphql endpoint like so:

import { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'
const config: CodegenConfig = {
  schema: 'http://localhost:3001/graphql', 
export default config

then how you hook up the config with your tool of choice, below are some links to documentation:

.NET, Dart, Java, Flow

codegen for other languages can be found here


When creating a new rust project with rindexer it will create you a typings folder, this has pretty advanced typings for all your contracts, events and network information. This is generated from the ABIs you provide in the YAML configuration file. This folder is not meant to be manually edited and should always be generated using codegen.

You can regenerate the typings folder by running the following command:

rindexer codegen typings


When creating a new rust project with rindexer it will create you a indexers folder, this is where you will write your custom logic for the indexer. This is where you will do all your indexing logic, you can do anything you want in here, you can do http requests, on chain lookups, custom logic, custom DBs, anything you can think of. rindexer gives you the foundations and also baked in extendability. Rust enforces a strong type system, all logs will be streamed to you just focus on the logic you want.

By default if you turn storage postgres on in the YAML configuration file it will also create you postgres tables, also write SQL for you to use and expose you a postgres client. This is a great starting point for you to build on.

The tables creation can be skipped by using the disable_create_tables in the YAML configuration file.

If you also enable the CSV storage it will also generate code in the handler to write to that CSV files.

You can regenerate the indexers folder by running the following command, please note this will overwrite any custom logic you have written if you run it on an existing project.

rindexer codegen indexers